WHO IS JUNGLEˣ #3 -Why we seek Researchers-
In previous and previous articles, we have written about JUNGLEˣ culture.
WHO IS JUNGLEˣ #1 -ABOUT "JUNGLEˣ"-2022/4/2 15:462022/5/2 19:22WHO IS JUNGLEˣ #2 -Sense of Beauty-2022/4/2 15:462022/4/4 16:05In this article, we will continue to tell you about the culture of JUNGLEˣ based on the contents of our website. The theme of this third edition is why JUNGLEˣ, an organization that operates a betting business, is looking for researchers.
Potential : Nature of Researchers
This is somewhat similar to #1, but first, let's review the meaning of our website banner, ABOUT "JUNGLEˣ”

JUNGLEˣ has a sophisticated strategy to solve global issues with a single strike: betting. Understanding such sophisticated strategies requires a high level of abstraction, and researchers who are well-versed in science and mathematics have the potential.
Science and mathematics have reproducibility, and reproducibility is a powerful weapon for JUNGLEˣ.
At this stage, because now we focus on sports betting, some readers might mistake JUNGLEˣ as an athletic or event-circle-like organization. However, JUNGLEˣ aims to be a laboratory-like organization with a crew of researchers and research-minded individuals.
In this article, I would like to explain deeper why JUNGLEˣ seeks researchers in terms of expertise as a JUNGLEˣ benefit.
There is an image that we often use to describe researchers. We will explain briefly here, so if you want more information, please refer to The illustrated guide to a Ph.D.
First, let us assume that the circle in the figure below contains all of humanity's current knowledge. The further you go inside, the more basic knowledge, and the further you go outside, the more cutting-edge expertise.

Through primary education (blue) and higher education (green), the circle of knowledge you have grows in size.

Change comes when you go to a bachelor's program at a university. It is a small but significant specialization (pink). When you go on to a master's program, your expertise will be further extended (vermilion).

By reading papers and continuing to research, you can arrive at the most current state-of-the-art knowledge.

And when you are not satisfied there, but continue to make further efforts, the circumference = the current limit value of humanity will stick out slightly. This slight protrusion is the Ph.D.

What is the point of this story?
Ph.D. graduates, Ph.D. students, and those pursuing doctoral studies have all the knowledge they need to reach the edges of the circle of human knowledge as they pursue their areas of expertise. Therefore, they should be able to apply their expertise to collaborate with JUNGLEˣ rather than those who think about the edge from the center. And if we can gather such researchers, the percentage of exposure to the most advanced knowledge of humankind = circumference will increase.
It may seem like we are repeating ourselves, JUNGLEˣ is an organization that aims to solve a global problem with one tool: betting. To solve a problem, we need expertise in the areas that make up it, so it is crucial to access the circumference of the circle as an organization.
Furthermore, by supporting research with betting revenues, contributing to a larger circle of all humanity will help us realize our purpose: Good Betting, Good Life.
How was this article? We hope you can understand a little better why JUNGLEˣ seeks researchers.
And I would like to encourage students who are in their very own master's or doctoral program, researchers working in research institutes, and especially those who are wondering whether or not to continue their research due to financial reasons or vague concerns about the future, to contact JUNGLEˣ.
If you know of such hidden treasures of human beings, we would also appreciate it if you would share and spread this article.
If you are at all interested, we hope you will access our website and be able to understand us more deeply.
If you wonder what kind of people are Junglers who work for such an organization, please access our Meety page.
・Mutta SHIMIZU's Meety(PdM)
・M MATSUMOTO's(Hiring)